How to make your own rooties

Lanttu without headphones waving

Its simple! Just choose a plant base where to begin and start adding character or animal likenesses to them. Or make them have special abilities based on their interests! There is no limit what you can add so go wild!

I would love to see what kind of rooties you guys come up with!

Step by step

  1. Decide on the type of plant you want to use.

  2. Determine their physical characteristics and personality.

  3. Add small details to make them unique.

  4. Experiment and have fun with your design.

  5. Lastly give your Rootie a name!

example ↓

Lanttu without headphones waving

If you create your own rootie characters please let me know by using the hastag #rooties and tagging me on any of the social medias I use!

Link to LanttuX's Throne Wishlist

Current rooties gallery